Statement of Values
The Texas State Auditor's Office (SAO) provides audit, education, and investigative services to the State of Texas.
We play a crucial role in Texas government by providing useful information to decision makers and helping organizations
change for the better. We assist legislators as they deliberate, address issues, and create policies that affect the
citizens of Texas. We support agencies with our knowledge and skill as they manage risk, solve problems, address audit
findings, and plan strategies for their future success. The SAO's achievements result from the work of our outstanding
Our values reflect what we believe to be the most important qualities needed for our success. We expect ongoing debate
among our employees about the meaning of the values — debate that will result in revisions and that will ensure that the
values remain relevant to each individual at the SAO.
At the State Auditor's Office with unyielding
Integrity, we:
• Help strengthen Accountability by providing
Reliable information.
• Learn, Change and improve as government needs change.
• Respect our clients and one another.

Integrity is the foundation of our credibility. To serve the State and the Legislature, we provide nonpartisan, nonideological, and fair information. We are sometimes called upon to make difficult decisions about reporting issues within a political context, but we do not compromise our commitment to accuracy. We set high standards for ourselves and our work, and we take personal responsibility for our actions. We follow the highest ethical and professional standards, and we remain independent in our work.
Accountability: To help the Legislature oversee the State's programs and operations, our multidisciplinary staff seeks to enhance the accuracy of information provided to the Legislature and to increase the transparency, effectiveness, efficiency, and credibility of Texas government.
Reliability: We produce reports that are accurate, objective, fact-based, useful, clear, and candid. We achieve excellence through motivated and constantly improving employees upon whose knowledge, abilities, and initiative we depend. We expect the results of every project to add value to the operations of the State and its agencies and universities.
Learning and Change
Learning and Change: In a rapidly changing world, we address the increasingly complex issues facing the State as a result of tight budgets, technological advances, a growing and changing state workforce and population, and the global challenges that affect our state. We sustain a work environment that supports learning, innovation, and change, all essential to helping the Legislature and to achieving our mission in the 21st century.
Respect: We develop and maintain relationships based on trust, cooperation, collaboration, and open communication with the Legislature, agency and university staff, and our own employees. We recognize that we may not always agree, but we express differences with respect.