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Water Development Board

A Review of the Water Development Board's Fee Structure for the
State Participation Program

April 2000

Report Number 00-026

Overall Conclusion

The fee is too low to recover all administrative costs. The Water Development Board (Board) is reformulating the cost recovery fee to reflect all appropriate costs associated with the State Participation Program (Program). After that change has been made and actual projects have been funded by the Program, the State Auditor's Office will reexamine the fee structure to ensure that it recovers the full costs of administering the Program.

Key Facts and Findings

Senate Bill 1862 (76th Legislature) authorized the Board to recover certain costs associated with administering its Program. However, the fee review found that not all relevant costs were included in the Board's fee structure:

  • The estimate only included staff salaries; it did not include costs such as telephones, space, and travel.

  • Additionally, the estimate did not consider the potential extra costs associated with funding large projects. The Program will fund large projects, which may incur extra legal, public involvement, and environmental costs.

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