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Updated Financial Statement Opinion Audit Guide Provided to Texas Community Colleges

October 2001

Report Number 02-002

Overall Conclusion

To continue helping public community colleges receive high-quality financial statement opinion audits, we have updated our Financial Statement Opinion Audit Guide for Texas Public Community Colleges (Guide). High-quality opinion audits are important because they help ensure that the financial statements fairly and accurately present the college's financial position and results of college operations as of a given date. The updated version of the Guide reflects current statutes and an updated list of reference materials.

Key Facts and Findings

We have also updated the related pamphlet for board members, Is Your College Getting a High-Quality Financial Opinion Audit? We are distributing the updated pamphlet to all community college board members. This distribution will ensure that this important information reaches board members appointed after the original March 1999 release of this document.

The Guide helps improve the quality of financial statement opinion audits by describing the general audit process, the procurement of external audit services, and the responsibilities of each participant in the process. The pamphlet provides the community college board members with a summary of the Guide and outlines their roles in ensuring high-quality opinion audits.

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