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An Audit Report on Groundwater Conservation Districts - Phase 2

October 2001

Report Number 02-005

Overall Conclusion

Five of the 13 local groundwater conservation districts (districts) audited have not achieved a majority of the audited objectives in their groundwater management plans and, therefore, are not operational. The State does not have assurance that these five districts are managing their groundwater appropriately. The remaining eight districts have achieved a majority of the audited objectives in their groundwater management plans and, therefore, are operational. These eight districts appear to be making a good-faith effort to conserve and protect the groundwater they administer.

There are 9 major and 20 minor aquifers across Texas. These underground water systems lie beneath more than 81 percent of the state. Unlike surface water, groundwater is owned by the landowner and is governed by the "rule of capture" laws of Texas. This means that, within reason, landowners can use the water under their land any way they choose. Local groundwater conservation districts are the State's preferred method of groundwater management. This gives landowners local control with limited State oversight.

Key Facts and Findings

  • The Collingsworth, Dallam, Fox Crossing, Real-Edwards, and Saratoga districts are not operational. Although these districts have achieved some objectives in their groundwater management plans, overall, these districts are not making a good-faith effort to achieve a majority of the objectives in their plans.
  • The five districts that are not operational also are not in compliance with three or more of the audited statutory requirements with which districts must comply.
  • The Edwards Aquifer Authority and the Evergreen, Hickory, Hill Country, Medina, North Plains, Springhills, and Uvalde districts are operational and are achieving or making significant progress toward achieving a majority of the objectives in their groundwater management plans.
  • Seven of the eight operational districts are in full or partial compliance with the audited statutory requirements for groundwater districts.

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