A Performance Audit
An Audit Report on Selected Contracts at the Commission on Environmental Quality
March 2017
Summary Analysis
The Commission on Environmental Quality (Commission) monitored contractor performance and enforced contract terms of the contracts audited. The Commission also performed required contract planning activities to identify the contract objectives for the contracts audited.
While the Commission procured the contracts audited as required, it did not ensure that all personnel involved in contract evaluation and procurement signed conflict of interest and non-disclosure statements within the required time frames. The Commission also should improve its contracting processes by developing procedures to assess fraud, waste, or abuse and, if applicable, to report liquidated damages.
The Commission on Environmental Quality (Commission) effectively monitored the selected Superfund contract with URS Corporation/AECOM Technical Services, Inc. and the waste removal contract with Philotechnics, Ltd. to help ensure that the contractors were performing the work required by the contracts and work orders. The Commission also ensured that it paid for the item amounts and quantities approved and authorized by the contracts and work orders.
The Commission generally planned and formed the waste removal contract and the Superfund-related contracts in accordance with applicable statutes, rules, and its policies and procedures. However, the Commission should improve its process related to conflicts of interest and non-disclosure and develop procedures for assessing fraud, waste, or abuse and for reporting liquidated damages assessed or collected, when applicable.
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