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A Report on A Follow-up Audit on the Department of Public Safety's Texas Gang Intelligence Database

January 2025


Since the State Auditor's Office issued a prior audit report in August 2022, the Department of Public Safety (Department) has improved certain controls over the submission of data into the Texas Gang Intelligence Database (TxGANG). However, as of November 2024, TxGANG still contained records that were not validated within the federally required timeframes. The two main reasons why those records were not validated within 5 years are: (1) the Department continued to suspend the validation process for individuals who have been incarcerated and (2) the database continued to retain invalid or unreliable data.

The Department implemented new automated controls to help ensure that certain required information is entered when a record is validated in TxGANG. It also developed a report to notify Department staff when the automated record removal process did not work as expected, and it improved its automated controls over batch uploads of TxGANG records.