A Compliance Audit
A Report on Audits of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Requirements at Institutions of Higher Education
February 2025
The State Auditor’s Office audited Texas A&M University System’s 20 components for compliance with the diversity, equity, and inclusion requirements in Texas Education Code, Section 51.3525. In addition, we audited 5 community colleges: Blinn College, Central Texas College, Hill College, McLennan Community College, and Temple College.
Senate Bill 17 (88th Legislature) amended Texas Education Code to require the State Auditor’s Office to determine whether institutions of higher education spent state money in violation of diversity, equity, and inclusion requirements in Section 51.3525. That statute also required the State Auditor’s Office to evaluate compliance at each institution of higher education at least once every four years.
This is the first compliance audit conducted to address those requirements.