A Summary Report
A Summary of Regional Planning Commissions' Reports
March 2025
Regional planning commissions (RPCs) must provide certain information to the State Auditor’s Office each year. All 24 RPCs submitted the required asset disposal, productivity, and performance reports. However, not all RPCs complied with annual financial report and salary schedule reporting requirements
Audited Annual Financial Reports. For fiscal year 2023, all but one of the 24 regional planning commissions (RPCs) in Texas submitted all statutorily required audited annual financial reports to the State Auditor’s Office. That RPC, South Texas Development Council, did not submit an audited financial report for fiscal year 2023. Instead, it submitted one for fiscal year 2022. All audited annual financial reports submitted contained all the elements required by Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 391. External certified public accountants issued unmodified opinions on those financial statements.