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Management Control Audit at Tarleton State University

July 1998

Report Number 98-049

Overall Conclusion

Tarleton State University (University) has business systems in place to ensure resources are spent appropriately. Minor issues in information management, service department operations, and the Office of Human Resources were identified during the audit. Additionally, our review noted specific strengths that enhance the University's efficiency and effectiveness of operations.

Key Facts and Findings

  • The University should improve management over service department operations. Three service departments lost a total of $177,964 in fiscal years 1996 and 1997.
  • The Office of Human Resources should improve records maintenance to comply with Texas A&M University System (A&M System) policies. The Position Analysis Questionnaire, a survey used to define job responsibilities, is required to be updated annually.
  • The University should update the disaster recovery plan for information systems. While the University has developed a disaster recovery plan for its information systems, the plan is deficient in certain areas.

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