Multiple Agencies
A Quarterly Report of Full-Time Equivalent State Employees
For the Quarter Ending November 30, 1998
March 1999
Report Number 99-704
Overall Conclusion
There were 270,659 full-time equivalent (FTE) state employees for the quarter ending November 30, 1998, based on reports submitted by 213 agencies and institutions of higher education. There were 245,047 full-time state employees and 70,339 part-time state employees. Agencies and institutions of higher education reported using 26,414 contractors and consultants as of the last working day of the quarter. Texas Southern University failed to submit its data.
Key Facts and Findings
Compared to the previous quarter, overall FTEs increased by 2.34 percent with a total increase of 6,200 FTEs, mainly as a result of increased fall enrollment at colleges and universities.
In comparison to the first quarter of 1998, state employment has slightly declined with a decrease of .26 percent (700 FTEs).
Total statewide employment has increased by approximately 8 percent (over 20,000 FTEs) over the past five years. This increase was due to a nearly 50 percent increase (over 17,000 FTEs) at public safety and criminal justice agencies and a 11.1 percent increase (over 12,000 FTEs) among institutions of higher education. During this same time period, health and human services agencies decreased by 12.5 percent (over 7,000 FTEs).
Four agencies exceeded their FTE caps without approval from the Legislative Budget Board and the Office of the Governor. These were the School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Health and Human Services Commission, the Youth Commission, and the Juvenile Probation Commission. Explanations from these agencies are included.
The overall statewide management-to-staff ratio was 1 manager to 14.68 staff members. Agencies and institutions of higher education with fewer than 100 employees averaged a ratio of 1 manager to 5.54 staff members. All other agencies averaged a ratio of 1 manager to 11.35 staff members. The ratio for all other institutions of higher education was 1 manager to 20.69 staff members.
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