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The SAO coordinates and provides continuing educational opportunities for audit and accounting professionals.

Upcoming Courses


Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst

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Critical Auditor Interviewing, Presentation, & Influence Skills

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Using Excel Functions and Power Query to Clean up and Transform Data

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Developing Effective Leaders

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AWS Security Essentials

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Complete Course Schedule

To register for a course, locate the course and date on the course schedule.


State of Texas agencies and higher education institutions will be invoiced after the course. All other entities and individuals must pay prior to the course start date. Checks should be made to the State Auditor’s Office and mailed to:

Texas State Auditor's Office
P.O. Box 12067
Austin, Texas 78711-2067

At this time, we are unable to process credit card payments.

Withdrawing a Registration

Course cancellations must be made in writing to and should be received by the posted cancellation date; otherwise, the registrant may be charged for the course materials.