Survey Methodology
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Auditors developed survey questions based on research of the investigation and prosecution processes for sexual assaults, including applicable state reporting requirements. Auditors also conducted interviews, collected information, and obtained input on the survey questions from a number of state, local, and community-based entities including:
- Austin Police Department
- Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas TM (CACTX)
- County and District Clerks' Association of Texas (CDCAT)
- Dallas Police Department
- Dallas County District Attorney’s Office
- Dallas County District Clerk's Office
- Department of Public Safety
- Forensic Science Commission
- Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT)
- Office of Court Administration
- Sheriffs' Association of Texas
- Stop Abuse for Everyone Alliance (SAFE)
- Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA)
- Texas Association of Crime Lab Directors
- Texas District and County Attorneys Association (TDCAA)
- Texas Police Chiefs Association
- Travis County District Attorney’s Office
- Travis County District Clerk’s Office
- Travis County Sheriff’s Office
- University of Texas at Austin Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (IDVSA)
The State Auditor’s Office appreciates the assistance and cooperation provided by governmental, local law enforcement, educational, and community-based entities that were contacted during the development of the survey.
Auditors conducted online surveys using off-the-shelf software to contact 1,630 organizations throughout Texas. These included:
- 1,054 Local Law Enforcement Agencies (police departments and sheriff’s offices) from February 10, 2020, through May 8, 2020.
- 158 District Attorneys' Offices from February 10, 2020, through May 8, 2020.
- 148 Community-based Advocacy Organizations February 10, 2020, through May 1, 2020.
- 21 Crime Laboratories from February 10, 2020, through May 1, 2020.
- 249 District Clerks' Offices from February 10, 2020, through May 7, 2020.
Auditors contacted entities by email and phone calls to confirm that the survey had been delivered and to answer entities’ questions about the survey. Auditors also contacted some entities to (1) clarify responses provided or (2) verify whether incomplete parts of the survey were intentional. Additionally, auditors sent email reminders, conducted phone follow-up, and sent follow-up emails to entities throughout the survey period. Response periods were extended due to delays related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Of the 1,029 completed surveys received:
- 968 surveys were completed online;
- 39 surveys were completed onsite at the County and District Clerks’ Association of Texas Winter Conference on February 5, 2020; and
- 22 surveys were sent to the State Auditor’s Office via email or mail.
Auditors reviewed the responses in the completed surveys and summarized the responses for each type of survey (such as local law enforcement, district attorneys’ offices, etc.) at a statewide level for inclusion in this supplemental report. Survey questions were presented as Multiple Choice, Ranking, Open Ended, or Agree/Disagree (Likert Scale). See below for information about how the survey responses were analyzed.
Multiple Choice Questions – These questions provide a preset menu of choices. This report presents a summary of the responses for these types of questions using the options provided on the survey.
Example of Multiple Choice Question
Does the Organization provide forensic medical services to survivors of sexual assault?
- Yes
- No
Multiple Choice Questions with an “Other-Specify” Option Questions – These multiple choice questions provide a preset menu of choices but also allow entities to write in an answer if they choose. For surveys that provided “Other-Specify” answers, auditors grouped similar answers into auditor-determined categories; those that received one or a small number of responses were classified as “Other.” This report presents a summary of the results for these types of questions using the options provided on the survey and the determined categories for the “Other-Specify” answers.
Example of Multiple Choice Question with “Other-Specify” Option
How did the Office check the accuracy of data it reported to the Department of Public Safety?
- Manual reviews
- Computer-based checks
- Both manual reviews and computer-based checks
- None
- Other – Specify:____________________
Ranking Questions – These questions ask entities to rank a series of options. They also provided an “Other-Specify” option. To summarize and present the answers for this type of question, auditors assigned weights to each answer on the number of preset options provided (not including “Other-Specify”) and frequency of which each option was selected by survey respondents. The highest ranked answer was assigned the highest weight followed by the next ranked option with the weight decreasing for each subsequent option.
Auditors then totaled the weighted counts for each option among all the completed surveys and assigned a final “Weighted Total” for each option.
Example of Ranking Question
Please rank the factors that may lead the DA Office to drop or submit a motion to dismiss an Adult sexual assault case after indictment from most to least significant.
2 Change sexual assault charge to a lesser charge. (Assigned Weight = 3)
1 Insufficient evidence to support sexual assault charge. (Assigned Weight = 4)
4 Lack of victim cooperation. (Assigned Weight = 1)
3 Lack of witness cooperation. (Assigned Weight = 2)
Other —Please Describe: _______________
Example of Weighted Total Calculation
Rank Assigned Total Responses x Weight = Ranking Score 1 40 x 4 = 160 2 36 x 3 = 108 3 14 x 2 = 28 4 2 x 1 = 2 Total Weight 298
Open-ended Questions – These questions allow entities to provide written responses to a question. To compile and present the answers for this type of question, auditors summarized the responses and classified similar responses into auditor-determined categories.
Example of Open-ended Question
What specific things does the Crime Lab think will reduce turnaround time for sexual assault kits?
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Agree/Disagree (Likert Scale) Questions – These questions ask entities to rate a list of items on a scale from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.” Additionally, entities had the option to add items to rank by selecting “Other-Specify” in the question, see below. To compile and present the answers for these questions in this report, auditors calculated the percentage of total responses from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”.
Example of Agree/Disagree (Likert Scale) Question
Please state whether you agree or disagree that the Law Enforcement Agency had sufficient resources in the following areas related to the collection, processing, and review of test results for sexual assault kits and other types of forensic evidence testing.
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Training Staffing Additional Equipment Advanced Technology Other - Specify:

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